News & Events

COVID-19 Phase 1 – Re-Opening Procedures

We are super excited to be re-opening shortly and we have been patiently waiting to open our doors to our USA families once again.  In an effort to keep our students, families, and staff safe please see below for our COVID-19 Phase 1 Re-Opening Procedures.  Please note that all visitors including students, staff, or any person entering the building will need to be temperature checked with a touchless thermometer before entering.  Unfortunately, any person with a temperature over 100.4°F will not be allowed to enter.  It’s a great idea to take your temperature before you come to cut out any unnecessary travel time.  Missed classes in this instance will receive a make-up.  If you have any questions about our procedures, please don’t hesitate to email our office staff at usacademy06@yahoo.com.  We look forward to seeing you very soon!